The world of Tzu Chi June 2021 (Vol.135)

TZU CHI 135 43 Volunteers Wanted! We are seeking volunteers to assist us in Chinese-English translation, English editing, graphic design and social media publicity. Please contact us on Facebook if you are interested to contribute. Subscribe to MY DAAI Channel The Art of Breast Cancer Management (Dr. Harjit Kaur) Life Guardians DAO (Short talk series) Every Monday, 8 p.m. Breast cancer is now the world’s foremost cancer killer in women. While some people think that there is no cure for it, Dr. Harjit Kaur, a specialist with 20 years of experience in breast and endocrine surgery shares, “Breast cancer is curable as long as you identify it early and have the right understanding about the disease.” Let us hear from her what the risk factors, signs and treatment options are. The Covid-19 pandemic has been raging on for over a year. Since its onset, Tzu Chi volunteers have been giving their best support to the frontliners and needy families. Dr. Lee Chew Kiok was one of the many medical personnel who tested positive for the virus. Despite having to be quarantined, her mind was focused on the patients. It is now up to us to be similarly responsible citizens and save one another. Watch online Watch online Tzu Chi in Malaysia (Documentary series) Every Tuesday, 8 p.m.