2023 Great Love 30
21 In Sabah, Tzu Chi established Rumah Penyayang (Life-Care Homes) in Pitas and Likas, in 2003 and 2015, respectively. The Rumah Penyayang Tzu Chi Pitas , a ‘halfway house’ for pregnant women living in remote mountains, has welcomed more than 1,500 newborns. There was zero dystocia mortality at one point. The Rumah Penyayang Tzu Chi Likas provides free lodging for patients and their families. The 16 rooms have taken in more than 3,000 lodgers, covering families with children suffering from Thalassemia and various cancer sufferers. Meanwhile, Tzu Chi signed a Memorandum of Agreement with the Sabah Health Department to jointly expand the Keningau Hospital’s Haemodialysis Centre . Inaugurated in 2020, this has helped address space and equipment challenges, enabling more frequent dialysis for acute patients and admitting new patients. On September 27, 2014, more than a hundred mothers witnessed the opening of the newly reconstructed Rumah Penyayang Tzu Chi Pitas, along with their children and families.
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