The world of Tzu Chi September 2024 (Vol.151)

2024 • 09 20 By Sia Ah Tong & Chan Shi Yih Translated by Lee You Zhuan Photo by Tan Pui Lee vent Bringing Medical Care through Tough Terrains “Only those with money can see a doctor; those without can only wait for free medical services like yours...” Paron Utok expressed this sentiment, which resonates deeply among those living in the remote interiors of Sarawak. O n July 20, 2024, under a sky adorned with white clouds and warm sunlight, 85 four-wheel-drive vehicles set off from Bintulu in Sarawak. These vehicles, laden with members of the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA), volunteers, medical equipment, food, and other supplies, were bound for Lusong Laku, a remote village 245 km away. The journey took approximately 11 hours along treacherous, winding roads filled with potholes. The final 51 km, over rugged gravel and muddy paths, were particularly challenging, causing the vehicles to jolt violently. At times, the passengers had to hold onto the grab handles to avoid being tossed around and hitting the car windows. Fortunately, the experienced drivers from the Kelab Cabaran Pacuan 4 Roda Bintulu safely transported the team to their destination. Safeguarding health with love Lusong Laku, a resettlement area for