The world of Tzu Chi September 2024 (Vol.151)

2024 • 09 18 and the execution room. The cells varied in their interiors. Some were just narrow spaces with walls, some had a squat toilet, and some were equipped with only a bucket for human waste and a thin mattress. In the prison artefact exhibition room, they were greeted by harrowing screams from a video showing scenes of prisoners being flogged. To instil a sense of caution and deter the adolescents from a life of crime, a prison warden demonstrated the flogging process on a mannequin. The sharp cracks of the whip caused some visitors to instinctively cover their ears. “Even though the flogging was performed on a mannequin, the sound alone was deeply unsettling. The pain must have been excruciating for the prisoners,” reflected Soh Hui Qi. “The video showing scenes of prisoners bleeding from the punishment was truly horrifying. The visit serves as a stark reminder that we must be mindful in action to avoid committing regrettable offences.” Hui Qi’s elder sister, Soh Hui Ying penned down her thoughts: “It’s only now that I realise how terrible prison life must be. There is no privacy and no access to mobile phones or computers, only books to pass the time. It was also the first time I learned about the various methods of execution. Imagine if I were a prisoner, only allowed to see my family once a month and lose my freedom, I think time would drag on endlessly.” Sharing love at the welfare home Another group, consisting of 14 primary school age children, transformed into “Loving Angels”, spending time with children at a welfare home. Through interactive games and singing, they bonded quickly. After that, everyone moved outdoors to participate in “Happiness Courier” and “Pass the Love Forward”—enjoyable games that taught the children about recyclable and non-recyclable items. The air was filled with laughter, and the winning teams beamed with joy as they were rewarded with thoughtful gifts prepared by the volunteers. Afterwards, the welfare home director provided a brief introduction of the residents, who are aged between 2 to 18 years old. Some have lost both parents, while others reside Natasha (standing, with orange head scarf) was surprised to learn that aluminium foil packages can be processed into different items. [Photo by Low Siew Lian]