The world of Tzu Chi Nov-Dec 2022 (Vol.144)

2022 • 12 18 pecial Feature Tzu Chi Study Grant Presentation Ceremony Enriching Values of Life Tzu Chi Malacca held the Tzu Chi Study Grant Presentation Ceremony for 661 primary and secondary school students on October 30, 2022. The morning and afternoon sessions of the ceremony were conducted in Mandarin and Malay respectively, with attendance from more than 1,240 parents and students. “D id you indulge in online games during the Covid-19 lockdown?” “Has staying up late into the night become a habit for you?” “Do you plan to save part of this monetary reward for charitable causes, or do you have other plans to use it?” Through a sketch, the emcee guided the students to reflect on how the Covid-19 lockdown has changed their lives, and what they could do should they face a similar situation as depicted in the play. This was to help them recognize the value of life and the importance of By Ngow Yoon Yoon, Law Ai Lian & Julie Yen Yu Chu Translated by Goh Hwe Yong Photo by Low Kin Fook