The world of Tzu Chi Augusts 2021 (Vol.136)

TZU CHI 136 07 Postscript 60, Entrepreneur 21-day challenge period: 7-27 June, 2021 Billy Wong Hon Meng cholesterol index was alarming. During the 21 days, Billy adhered strictly to the recommended diet. He was determined to make a change, not just for himself, but for his family. He even quit drinking. As a result, his second blood test report showed remarkable changes. His LDL cholesterol was down to 1.5 mmol/L, and so were his triglycerides readings which recorded 0.6 mmol/L. He also lost 5 kg. “Now, I do not even want to look at my old photos. I used to have a big belly, but now I look trim and fit,” Billy marvelled at his progress. He definitely felt much healthier than before. “I get tired less easily. I am a much calmer person, and of course, less explosive. I am more loving towards people around me. I think this is the benefit of a vegetarian diet.” At the end of the 21-day challenge, Billy started learning the ropes to becoming a vegetarian. His greatest support came from his family and the volunteers of the health challenge who were his best cheerleaders. The changes in his lifestyle and temperament have inspired his wife to sign up for the challenge too. Beaming over his achievement, Billy said, “The diet certainly makes me healthier. I must stay with it.” Billy’s doctor commented on his progress after the 21-day challenge. Addressing the organizers of the health challenge, the medical practitioner said, “You saved his life because anything can happen to him given his health conditions.” With his adverse triglycerides index and high LDL cholesterol reading, Billy would have been a ready candidate for cardiovascular diseases. AHealthier Me – Let Us Begin Anew