The world of Tzu Chi Augusts 2021 (Vol.136)

TZU CHI 136 39 Volunteer Kong Ngie Teck would drop by occasionally to check on the progress of the restoration work. team with fervent thanks and praise to Allah. On March 11, Tzu Chi volunteers once again visited Totoh’s home. This time, Shew Fun, accompanied by Omar Satra and Teck Ngie, discussed on materials needed and costing estimate to rebuild the home. In true spirit of teamwork and compassion, a consensus was soon reached between Shew Fun’s team and several other Tzu Chi community volunteers’ team leaders. To ensure the success of the project during the MCO period, it was then agreed that Tzu Chi would supply the materials while Totoh would enlist the help of several friends and relatives. As Totoh’s home was quite a distance from the main road, the team had to give careful consideration to labour carrying heavy materials across the dangerous bridge as well as the safety of other villagers. As a last resort, the team then decided to change the mode of materials delivery. Instead of using labour on foot, they would use boats! Teamwork made everything possible March 21 was the day of the challenging task of sending materials across to Totoh’s home. While the volunteer team waited at the outskirt of Kampung Mangkalinau with a lorry full of the building materials, Totoh greeted them with five other friends whom he had enlisted for help, along with two boats. All in all, it took them three trips to complete the task of mobilizing and delivering the materials, such as pillars, plywood, doors, zinc sheets, nails and other items. Without wasting any time, Totoh and his