The world of Tzu Chi Augusts 2021 (Vol.136)

2021 • 08 34 pecial Feature Section 1 Flat, Wangsa Maju Section 2 Flat and Desa Pandan 2 Flat, were running out of food supplies. Having confirmed with KL Social Welfare Department (SWD) that there were 2,450 adversely affected families in these areas, the CEOof TzuChi KL&Selangor, Echo Chien, and team had an emergency meeting and decided to first distribute one week’s food and daily supplies to these families through the KL SWD, while the Government worked out the relief assistance. Immediately after the meeting, the team made arrangements for purchases and transportation of the goods, as well as volunteers staying in the vicinity of the KL Tzu-Chi Jing Si Hall for packing of relief supplies the very next day. Each set of the relief supplies contains rice, rice vermicelli, flour, sugar, salt, soy sauce, cooking oil, canned baked beans, condensed milk, coffee and tea. Other supplies, such as baby and adult diapers, baby milk powder and sanitary napkins, were also prepared for the KL SWD to distribute separately to families who need them. Bags of relief supplies filled with love The initial arrangement was for 30 volunteers who have received at least their first dose of Covid-19 vaccines to help with the packing. However, some 50 volunteers responded to the call and turned up at the Jing Si Hall on July 5. All shared the same mission, that is, to deliver the relief supplies to the needy families in the shortest possible time. At 2 pm, goods started to arrive at the JingSi Hall in batches. Due to the short notice and large amount of goods, the supermarket was unable to KL SWD personnel thanked Tzu Chi for the emergency support, and joined the volunteers in transferring the goods, working together to help the needy families.