The world of Tzu Chi May 2021 (Vol.134)

2021 • 05 40 On January 2, 2020, Dr. Tan Kiat Beng and Nurse Teoh Bee Ling, volunteers from the Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA), visited Sai Sai at the hospital after the boy’s situation was brought to their attention. His birthday was on January 22, just three weeks away, but he was experiencing the most difficult time in his life. Even so, the smile on his face was so sparkling and innocent it pulled at the heartstrings of the two visitors. As soon as they left the hospital, Dr. Tan began contacting other Tzu Chi volunteers to discuss how to help save Sai Sai’s life. They quickly reached a consensus to pay for the boy’s medical treatment. Without wasting any time, they notified the UNHCR that Tzu Chi would work hand in hand with Sai Sai to help him fight his disease. Unfortunately, USai Tun lost his job in the economic downturn that followed the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic. Dr. Tan and Nurse Teoh visited the family on May 21 to see how they were doing. As soon as U Sai Tun saw the physician, he greeted him warmly with a hearty, “Dr. Tan!” The normally shy Burmese man did not hide his excitement at seeing the volunteers. He was visibly emotional in the bright afternoon sunlight. U Sai Tun and his family lived in a tightly packed housing unit. There was almost no furniture in their home. Their bedrooms were similar to those in Myanmar, and the kitchen was simple. The bare living room contained a Buddhist altar and boxes of dialysis solution neatly lined up. Pieces of paper inscribed with Burmese and English words were posted on the four walls. They listed Sai Sai’s daily dialysis schedule and the amounts of dialysis solution used. The young boy was energetic and vivacious. If not for the catheter on his neck, no one would have guessed that he had had a close brush with death. As soon as he saw the visiting Tzu Chi volunteers, he held up his hand and flashed a “V” sign at them. Everyone then sat down in a circle on the floor. Sai Sai nestled like a docile lamb against Teoh. lobal Presence U Sai Tun dexterously sets things up at home to give his son Sai Sai dialysis. [Photo by Tan Kiat Beng]