The world of Tzu Chi May 2021 (Vol.134)

in Hualien, allowing teachers and students to purify their hearts through the simple ceremony. Then, in May 1999, Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital held a Buddha Day Ceremony at its lobby. Led by 36 Dharma Masters of theAbode, heads of various departments, medical and nursing staff, and Tzu Chi volunteers performed the “bathing the Buddha” ritual in front of the mural painting of “Buddha caring for the sick”. After the ceremony, they proceeded with a mobile ceremony. In pairs, the Dharma Masters of the Abode pushed a trolley with a Buddha statue and a container filled with water into the wards for the patients to bathe the Buddha. In September the same year, the Taiwanese Government declared the second Sunday of May as national Buddha Day. The following year, Tzu Chi held its first 3-in-1 celebration of the Buddha Day, Mother’s Day and Global Tzu Chi Day at Hualien Tzu- Chi Jing Si Hall. In her speech, Master Cheng Yen said that every day is Mother’s Day, Buddha Day and Tzu Chi Day. Hence, we should always fulfil filial duties and do good deeds, be grateful to Buddha for nurturing our wisdom, and cultivate ourselves diligently. Mass Buddha Day Ceremony In 2007, Tzu Chi held its first mass Buddha DayCeremony attended by over 10,000 people at the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall (the Liberty Square) in Taipei. This opened the eyes of the world to the majestic beauty of Buddhism, and brought people of different religious faiths to feel the solemn atmosphere and express their sincerity and reverence. Master Cheng Yen explained, “Even if one is not a Buddhist, it can move one’s heart and evoke a sense of respect. One will see the orderliness, beauty and etiquette of Buddhism.” The grand ceremony left a deep impression on Malaysia-based Taiwanese volunteer, Lin Chia Hua. She recalled, “Having seen the grand ceremony, I had a strong urge to organize an outdoor ceremony in Malaysia, for everyone to experience becoming one with the universe.” To promote Buddhism and Tzu Chi to more people, Chia Hua took on the role of chief planner for Tzu Chi KL & Selangor’s Buddha Day Ceremony. On May 11, 2008, an outdoor Buddha Day Ceremony was held at Bukit Jalil National Stadium in Kuala Lumpur, with more than 2,000 uniformed volunteers and more than 1,000 spectators. The volunteers also set up exhibitions to showcase Tzu Chi’s missions, served vegetarian meals, organized parent-child bonding activities and medical check-ups for the public. As the first outdoor ceremony successfully attracted over 10,000 people at the end of the day and received positive feedbacks, it had, since then, been organized yearly (Note 3), except in 2020 when it was moved online due to the pandemic. Significance of Buddha Day Ceremony Master Cheng Yen said, “Buddha was born more than 2,000 years ago. After he entered Parinirvana , his disciples came up with Buddha Day to commemorate himas theGreatAwakened One of the Universe. Now, we need to learn his teachings. He enlightened us to walk the path of enlightened love, and help us develop a deep understanding of the universe. Every principle, big or small, teaches and guides us.” The “bathing the Buddha” ritual symbolizes purification, self-reflection and the cleansing of delusion and ignorance. Instead of pouring water over a statue of Buddha, at Tzu Chi, participants express their reverence towards Buddha by bowing and lightly 2021 • 05 30 over Story