The world of Tzu Chi May 2021 (Vol.134)

the Buddha was in Vesali, he told the Sangha that he would enter Parinirvana after three months. Since it was impossible for Buddha to leave Vesali before the end of the rain retreat (around mid-October), the time that the Buddha entered Parinirvana should not be after mid-January. Judging from this, the Parinirvana could not have happened on the full-moon of May. Furthermore, Venerable Master Xuan Zang, who visited India during the seventh century, stated in The Great Tang Records on the Western Regions : “The Bodhisattva (was born) on the eighth day of the second half of Vesakha, which is the eighth day of the third lunar month. Theravada tradition (Sarvastivada), on the other hand, said it was on the 15th day.” Further reading indicated that: “Tathagata attained Enlightenment on the eighth day of the second half of Vesakha, which is the eighth day of the third lunar month. Theravada tradition (Sarvastivada), on the other hand, said it was on the 15th day. At that time, Tathagata was 30 years old, or according to some, 35 years old.” “The same day (the eighth day of the second half of Vesakha), kings of various countries, people of different customs, tens of millions of people congregated without being asked to. They brought perfumes for cleansing and showering, played music, arranged fragrant flowers and lit torches, racing to make offerings.” Adding on, Venerable Master Xuan Zang recorded this based on his reading: “The Buddha entered Parinirvana at age 80, on the 15th day of the second half of Vesakha, which is the 15th day of the third lunar month. On the other hand, according to Sarvastivada, Buddha entered Parinirvana on the eighth day of the second half of Kartitika (November in the modern Gregorian calendar), which is the eighth day of the ninth lunar month.” From Venerable Master Xuan Zang’s account, India already had disagreements on the day Buddha was born, attained Enlightenment and entered Parinirvana. However, in general, the month of Vesakha or May in the Gregorian calendar has its significance in Buddha’s lifetime. Over time, with changes in calendars adopted by different regions, as well as, traditions based on different versions of legends, there is a big gap in the dates according to different regions when converted to the Gregorian calendar. Nowadays, Theravada Buddhism has set Buddha’s birthday, Enlightenment and Parinirvana day on the 15th day of the fourth lunar month (full-moon of May); collectively referred to as Vesak Day. In most Mahayana Buddhist countries, Buddha’s birthday is set on the eighth day of the fourth lunar month, whilst Enlightenment and Parinivana days are set on the 8th day of the twelfth lunar month and the 15th day of the second lunar month, respectively. As not all three major occasions fall on the Vesakha month, they are not referred to as Vesak Day. Chinese Buddhism generally terms the Bodhisattva’s birthday as Buddha’s birthday. According to legend, when Bodhisattva was born, there was a pair of dragons splashing water like a fountain to shower the Prince. For that reason, people are accustomed to TZU CHI 134 23