The world of Tzu Chi May 2021 (Vol.134)

Muslims observe fasting for a month every year, and celebrate the Eid al-Fitr on the first day of the tenth month of the Islamic calendar. The Eid al-Fitr this year falls on May 14. In previous years, it sometimes coincided with the Chinese New Year. The Islamic calendar consists of 12 alternating months of 30 and 29 days. However, for the last month, the length varies over a 30-year cycle to keep in step with the true phases of the moon. In 11 years of the cycle, there are 30 days in the last month while in the remaining 19 years, it remains as 29 days. Thus, the year has either 354 or 355 days. Ramadan fasting is to abstain from food, from lust, and from selfish desires. From sunrise to sunset, abstain from eating and drinking. Why do fasting people “declare intention”? The prerequisite for fasting is to declare an intention ( niyyah ). It is of utmost importance for one to declare the intention to fast, which is to obey Allah’s commands, and to get closer to Allah and please Allah. In this month, regardless of race, social status, gender and age group, even the king must observe fast. Ramadan makes every Muslim feel equal. Before Allah, everyone is a servant. When a person fasts devoutly for Allah, he will realize that he is a servant, and will then cultivate a humble heart. What are the basic requirements of fasting? Fasting is one of the important lessons of Islam. Just like the daily prayers, it is an obligation that Muslims must fulfil. The fasting period in the Ramadan month is 29 or 30 days, from sunrise to sunset. Those who fast must reverently make an intention, then after Suhur every dawn, they cannot eat or drink, and must abstain from intimacy. After iftar, the evening meal, which ends the daily fast at sunset, the day’s lesson is considered complete. People who fast must see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil and think no evil, and must refrain from malicious slander, spread rumours, lies, quarrels, thefts, murders, gambling, prostitution and breaking other rules. The significance of fasting When life is comfortable, people tend to forget important social responsibilities. After a month of fasting, Muslims could relate with the poor not having food, thence they will not forget those who need help. Ramadan is not just about not eating or drinking, but also how to control one’s selfish desires, so that every part of the body “fasts”, and learn to stay away from all evil deeds. It is hoped that after Ramadan, the teachings continue in one’s daily lives. During this month, believers are encouraged to recite the Qur’an and pray more frequently, and perform more good deeds. Ramadan is a month of forgiveness, repentance and self-reflection. The merits gained during this month will double in returns. After devoutly completing the fast, Muslims are like newborn babies. They can start again, and their past sins will be forgiven by Allah. The spiritual significance of Eid al- Fitr is to let the believers face themselves again, improve themselves, correct themselves and turn over a new leaf. In addition, the fasting month also serves to evoke the compassion in Muslims and inspire them to do more good deeds. Muslims also believe that fasting can help maintain physical and mental health, and eliminate viruses. TZU CHI 134 11