The world of Tzu Chi April 2021 (Vol.133)
2021 • 04 52 W hen Buddha was Enlightened, he first took in five monks, and later he took in another 50 young men who had followed Yasa. Later, more and more people came to be his disciples, and very rapidly the total number of his disciples reached more than 1,000. If you read the Amitabha Sutra , you will find the phrase “together there were 1,250 people”. This phrase is used in sutras to indicate the greatness of the order of monks. Buddha and his disciples travelled and preached along the banks of the Ganges. One day, they reached the city of Rajagrha. They stayed in a monastery and went into the city to ask for food. But when they were in the city, they noticed that everyone was whispering excitedly to each other. What were they talking about? Those who feared the coming of Buddha and his monks had started a rumour. The rumour was that wherever Buddha went, many of the best and most capable people, young and old, would become monks. Therefore, parents were afraid that their sons would leave home, and wives feared that their husbands would become monks. The rumour upset everyone in the whole area. So, when the monks went to ask for food from married women, the women would quickly close the doors. Parents of sons would also shut their doors tight when they saw the monks approaching. It was this way throughout the whole city. The rumour kept spreading from house to house, and every resident was terrified. One morning before they set out, the monks reported all these to Buddha. “The rumour will not last long,” Buddha said to them. “It will go away in seven days at most. If we act and speak properly, the rumour will Those who feared the coming of Buddha and his monks had started a rumour that wherever Buddha went, many of the best and most capable people, young and old, would become monks. So, when the monks went to ask for food from married women, they would quickly close the doors. Parents of sons would also shut their doors tight when they saw the monks approaching. aster Cheng Yen Tells Stories Wise People Stop Rumours
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