The world of Tzu Chi April 2021 (Vol.133)

TZU CHI 133 43 lobal News USA 09–11.02.2021 Tzu Chi Medical Centre Provides Covid-19Vaccinations Report by Jennifer Chien Translated by Diana Chang Photo by Wesley Tsai I n order to help the community amid the ongoing pandemic, the Tzu Chi Medical Foundation (TCMF) in the U.S. obtained the Covid-19 vaccine issued by the Government as of February 2021. The vaccine was administered at Tzu Chi Medical Centre in Alhambra, California, from February 9 to 11. Dr. Stephen Denq, CEO of TCMF USA, said that since TCMF has received its certification as a Federal Qualified Health Centre Look-Alike (FQHC Look-Alike), it was able to apply for these vaccines. At the end of January, TCMF USA opened a vaccination appointment hotline for patients and Tzu Chi volunteers to register. Once the vaccine was available, volunteers followed the procedure for registration and notified eligible individuals to go to the clinic for vaccination. Since the number of vaccines available is limited, volunteers reminded qualified residents to register at the county’s health bureau concurrently, to ensure they can be given the vaccine. Even though the Government has opened many locations for Covid-19 vaccination, many Chinese-speaking residents still rely heavily on Tzu Chi’s medical services. A visually- impaired patient who did not understand English needed the vaccine. The couple has no children, relatives or friends who could help them to register online. They also did not have easy access to transportation to get to other vaccination stations, such as the one at Dodger Stadium. TCMF was the only place they could conveniently get the medical attention they needed as the volunteers there could speak Chinese and help them to fill out the forms. During the pandemic, Tzu Chi USA’s medical staff and volunteers have continued to safeguard the health of the community. And through these concentrated efforts, we hope to welcome the arrival of spring without the continued spread of Covid-19.