The world of Tzu Chi March 2021 (Vol.132)

56 2021 • 03 Ingredients: Capsicums (green, red, yellow) .... 50 g each (dice) Carrots ............................................. 30 g (slice) Japanese tofu .......................... 3 pcs (thick slice) Shimeji mushrooms ............................. 1 pack Seasonings: Water ..................................................... 4 tbsp Vegetarian oyster sauce ........................ 2 tbsp Soy sauce ...............................................1 tbsp Cornstarch ............................................... 1 tsp Ginger shreds ........................... in moderation (serves 5-6) ecipe Preparation: 1. Fry Japanese tofu in large amount of hot oil. Remove and drain excess oil. 2. Heat oil in a pan. Stir-fry ginger shreds, then add soy sauce and vegetarian oyster sauce. 3. Add water and bring to a boil. Then, add Japanese tofu and all other ingredients, and cook on high heat. Thicken with cornstarch. Japanese tofu in sauce Rainbow Bento