The world of Tzu Chi March 2021 (Vol.132)

TZU CHI 132 47 The priests used towels as masks to cover their mouths and noses. Curious, I asked, “Why don’t you wear a mask?” “Even if we have Tzu Chi helping us, we still wish to leave the masks to those who need them more. Whatever money we can save will become a form of power to share love.” I was grateful every time I interacted with Camillians India. Grateful that the priests and nuns had hearts of gratitude and frugality, that they gave the supplies they received to others. This piety was also exemplified by the Missionaries of Charity. The nuns said that no matter what supplies they received, the first thing they would do is to give them to the poor; they would only take the leftovers. However, as we discovered from the video calls, there were so many poverty-stricken people! The only material things the nuns possess are three sets of uniforms, a pair of sandals, a rosary, a cross, a Bible, a dinner plate and a spoon each. In addition to taking the Catholic vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, they took a fourth vow—to serve the poorest people wholeheartedly. They said that whenever they step out of church, all they can see are the homeless and the destitute; people with no home, no money, nothing except the shabby clothes on their bodies. Every day these people wait, not to live, but to leave the world someday. For this low-income group, the pandemic has rubbed salt into the wound. The elderly whose families are unable to care for them, are thrown into the streets to fend for themselves. The children cannot see a hopeful future. Each day when the church doors open, there are long queues; even if the wait merely yields a meal or half a portion, everyone is willing to wait. “The streets are full of penurious people. We must care for them; we can’t ignore their presence, their voices. Whatever they eat, we eat.” The nuns felt that Tzu Chi’s supplies were God’s greatest gifts; their gratitude was beyond words. In a meeting, they decided to go onto the streets to distribute the supplies daily. We asked them, “Given that the pandemic is so severe, why must the distribution take place on the streets?” The nuns replied, Hungry villagers lining up to receive food distributed by nuns. They do not have masks and can only cover their faces with clothing.