The world of Tzu Chi March 2021 (Vol.132)

2021 • 03 28 eature Capturing a page in history —Documenting volunteer, Yong Mun Fei V olunteer Yong Mun Fei is an enthusiast in videography, capturing people and events with his camera. In 2017, he was excitedly recording during TCISKL groundbreaking ceremony to take in the event and people who turned up to witness a day in history. His enthusiasm landed him an invitation to take images of students during extra- curricular activities when classes began in 2020. In the process, he was able to observe and realized how living skills and humanistic culture education can positively influence the students. In one humanistic culture lesson, Mun Fei saw students squeezed under the tables to feel the fear and pain of caged animals waiting for their turn to be slaughtered. It was hoped that such experience would evoke their empathy, love and compassion for animals who have equal right to life. On hearing the students’ reflection, Mun Fei believed that the seeds of goodness had quietly sprouted in the children’s hearts. On another occasion, Mun Fei also captured videos of the students cleaning the school compound under their teacher’s guidance. It was obvious that many of them were new to the task, having never held a broom at home let alone sweeping the floor. It was quite a sight to behold as they diligently learned the basic skills of cleaning, sweeping to eventually advance to cleaning toilets! That is learning responsibility and basic living skills. Mun Fei commented that it was most gratifying to see how the seeds of goodness start to take root and spread amongst students in the learning process. In a humanistic culture lesson, a secondary school student shared her experience of being a vegetarian since childhood. Another student immediately expressed how she was moved by the student’s perseverance in upholding vegetarianism and it has inspired her to follow suit. She felt fortunate that vegetarian food is served at TCISKL, so she could go vegetarian without obstacles or burdens. It often takes a full day to capture great shots. However, Mun Fei found this meaningful and rewarding. Be it videos or photos, these precious images will go down in the history book of TCISKL and bear witness to the students’ learning journey.