The world of Tzu Chi March 2021 (Vol.132)

2021 • 03 24 eature The humanistic culture lessons have not only benefitted the students and parents, but also the teachers. Sabrina Laurence Vun, who joined TCISKL in December 2019 as a kindergarten teacher for the 6-year-old class, had her doubts when she started with the humanistic culture education. The proof of the pudding is in the eating! In May 2020, in conjunction with the Mother’s Day, she wanted her students to experience a mother’s discomforts during pregnancy. She tied a balloon around each student’s belly and instructed them to perform different actions. This left a strong impression on the little kids who surprised their mothers with their caring and thoughtful gestures. Sabrina was amazed by such positive feedback from the parents. On another occasion, on ways to conserve electricity delivered together with Teacher Leong Chu Yoke, students were encouraged to adjust the air-conditioning temperature to 26℃ at home, which is ideal for health and helps reduce carbon emission and electricity bill. Sabrina was again surprised when she was told that the electricity bills of some families were reduced to RM100 a month whilst hers was still RM300. The big gap prompted her to reflect upon herself. She realized that students can so easily absorb the humanistic values imparted to them and have such great influence on their families. Such positive attributes cannot be derived from textbook learning. Witnessing the changes in the parents and students has also helped Sabrina to gradually appreciate the true meaning of contentment and gratitude. She too, began to learn how to conserve water and electricity. With teaching and learning going hand in hand, we believe the ripples of goodness will continue to form and spread, making it possible to purify minds and achieve a harmonious society filled with respect and joy. That is the ultimate goal of Tzu Chi humanistic culture education. Learning alongside students Photograph courtesy of Sabrina Laurence Vun