The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

TZU CHI 127 55 Volunteer recruitment We are seeking volunteers to assist us in Chinese-English translation, English editing, graphic design, social media publicity and documentation. Feel free to contact us on Facebook to express your interest! Living Life Invigorated A Boss’ Struggle During MCO DAO (Short talk series) Every Monday, 8 p.m. Soothing Moments (Talk show/interview series) Every Wednesday, 8 p.m. “I had to go blind to see clearly again.” Five years ago, at age 36, his life was turned upside down by a brain tumour. But, he refused to give in. He challenged himself to grow beyond his comfort zone, and even completed a triathlon. His life’s priority changed as he redirected his life’s purpose... As a business owner, would you still pay your employees full salaries despite having to halt your business completely? Facing the financial pressure, the couple held different stand-points and got into conflicts. How did they arrive at a consensus eventually, and even extended aid to some foreign workers next door? Watch online Watch online Subscribe to MY DAAI Channel