The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

2020 • 10 46 It turned out that Subarminium had been admitted to the hospital for piles treatment in November 2019. Santhyee explained, “He was injected with a strong dose of antibiotic that made him so weak and lose his appetite. He was unable to eat even porridge…” Fortunately, their adopted son did not disappoint. Santhyee beamed, “My son is so well-behaved now. He does his homework after school and helps out with household chores. He even takes care of his father and chats with him, content to be his eyes and legs.” The volunteers were happy to witness the boy’s transformation from a mischievous child to a well-mannered and sensible pre-teen. Passing on the heart of gratitude Siew Heok remembered a time when she invited Subarminium to participate in a Tzu Chi’s Parent-child Bonding Class when his son was seven years old. The lessons, plus the wholesome environment, slowly and subtly left a positive influence on the child. Subarminium quipped, “We ate at a restaurant once and I was surprised that he wanted to bring the aluminium can back for recycling.” Taking over the case in 2016 as team leader, Soon Yoke admitted that she did not feel the family’s suffering when she first met them as they lived in a flat – a better house than hers when she was young. She regretted for not having empathy for them then. Later, through Tzu Chi’s volunteer training, she learnt about the phrase, “practise great mercy even to strangers and great compassion for all”. It struck a chord with her and she saw where she needed to work on herself. From then on, Soon Yoke treated care recipients like her family. Santhyee was especially grateful for Soon Yoke’s helping Since 2008, Tzu Chi took care of Subarminium’s family. Besides subsidizing his medical expenses, the volunteers also visit them monthly. ouching Life Story