The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

02 2020 • 10 aspiration and resolve are truly admirable. While relieving the patients’ suffering, they also share with them the teachings of the Dharma, so as to heal both the body and mind. Many patients have also been inspired to contribute as Tzu Chi donors or volunteers. Together, the volunteers, Tzu Chi International Medical Association (TIMA) and over 500 clinics, have worked together to take care of less privileged patients within respective communities. It is heart-wrenching to see suffering due to disasters, injuries and illnesses. At the same time, it is heart-warming to see our medical volunteers caring deeply for them, and doing their very best to help. The power of love is too impressive to be forgotten. Although I am not physically with them, our Malaysian volunteers have strived hard to achieve the standard of quality care I expect of them. I could truly feel their sincere love, and vividly see them as living bodhisattvas. August 17 marked the 34thAnniversary of the establishment of the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital. I will never forget that year 34 years ago, when the decision to build a hospital was made because medical care for Hualien was so lacking, and a hospital was urgently needed. Despite all the unfavourable conditions existing at that time, response to realize the objective was strong. Many obstacles were on the way, yet one after another they were overcome. Credit goes to the countless number of people who selflessly participated in their own ways in making the hospital a real existence. From then till now, the Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital has assumed its role of saving lives day in and day out. So, we see that with a firm determination out of kindness, everything can be accomplished through time. Everyone has an innate Buddha-nature, and a Buddha’s heart is full of love. Such love is expressed in the forms of loving-kindness, compassion, joyfulness and selfless giving, and it fills the universe. All of us are able to develop this bounty love, and with this in the heart, go forth towards those in need. In contrast, for those whose visions concern only matters and things in the now, they would give rise to ignorance and worries if what they love or desire are beyond reach. Hence, they will busy themselves and try hard to reach for what they desire life after life without any outcome. With the vow and determination to serve humanity, one’s life becomes more and more meaningful. It takes not a single downpour or a drop of water to nurture the Earth. Consistent watering is the clue in greening the Earth. Likewise, doing good deeds should not be an impromptu decision and done superficially. A decision for a chosen meaningful service in life once made, should be upheld, so that the seed of kindness will be able to grow into a tree when conditions ripen. When it comes to meaningful service, never hesitate to shoulder the responsibility. Once missed, the opportunity to serve may never reappear. Having made the right choice to serve, we must translate it into actions. Be relentless and ready to serve at any time, never wait and see; hesitation in action may just end up with a change of mind to be of service. Be watchful at all times to ensure that we give rise to only kind thoughts. Besides “doing all that is good diligently”, there is also the need to ensure we are “vigilant in what we do”. Please be mindful always! aster’s Teaching * Compiled from a collection of speeches delivered by Master Cheng Yen from August 8 to 17, 2020.