The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

The Master says that when reaching out to the world, we are bound to witness all forms of suffering, like wars, epidemics and famines. Such will awaken our natural feeling of empathy and compassion. The most important thing to do then is to take action to help, and not to just talk about the Dharma; when a kind thought arises, kind actions should follow, and only then it is beneficial to others. “We may work hard throughout this life trying to reverse the suffering in the world, yet we’re not able to achieve it. But, if we vow to do so life after life, there’s bound to be a life in which we’ll reverse suffering and bring forth joy for all sentient beings.” “To achieve this goal, we must start right now. Kind intentions beget blessings; great vows beget great strength. As long as we do good deeds and wish good every day, like saving money for donation daily, slowly, the small amount will accumulate to become a big sum that could reverse the life of some needy people. The more people are awakened, and if they decide to help others in need, the more the suffering will be come in touch with these living bodhisattvas and get help.” Reversing the suffering inAfrica Tzu Chi volunteers from many countries in Africa had a video-conference session with Tzu Chi headquarters in Hualien on June 23, to share about charitable relief during the pandemic. Others who joined online were Sister Debra of Tzu Chi USA; Mr. Benjamin Parra of Healey International Relief Foundation, who has worked together with Tzu Chi in Sierra Leone in West Africa; and Mr. Charles of Caritas Freetown Foundation. The Master thanked both the working partners. Since four years ago, when the Ebola epidemic struck Sierra Leone, both organizations have partnered Tzu Chi in helping the poor. Thanks was also extended to Debra, who has been actively taking part in Tzu Chi’s international charity relief missions and fostering good relationships with various international humanitarian organizations. It is hoped that all parties will continue to work together to alleviate suffering. Dr. Long Karmen from Malaysia has been serving in Mozambique for over two months now. The Master praised her for her aspiration to serve the impoverished in Africa. There is a group of high-spirited young volunteers in Mozambique, as well as local youth volunteers in South Africa, too. These African youth volunteers represent the hope of Africa in the future. African-based Tzu Chi volunteers are therefore urged to guide these youth volunteers heedfully, and to bring them over to Taiwan to learn about the Tzu Chi spirit when there is an opportunity, so that they could spread the ideals and spirit of Tzu Chi in their respective countries upon their return. The Master cited the example of Brother Michael Pan in Durban, SouthAfrica, in training local Tzu Chi volunteers, who are now veteran volunteers diligently carrying out Tzu Chi’s charitable work within their own communities and across borders to other countries despite living a life of hardship. They have even inspired and guided local volunteers in countries like Zambia, Malawi, Namibia and Eswatini. “I value these followers of mine in faraway lands. But, with the passage of time, they’re getting old, and younger successors are needed to continue their work in great earnest. Where there’s suffering, that is where Tzu Chi is needed. Therefore, if we can train up locals as volunteers, and with the help of international resources, there’s hope in reversing the suffering in Africa.” TZU CHI 127 35 Transforming Africa With Love