The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

eature Hope for a better life stems from self-reliance Where there is suffering, that is where Tzu Chi is needed. Therefore, if we can train up local people to be volunteers, and with the help of international resources, the hope to reverse suffering in Africa could be realized, and poverty will not be as common as it is now. Translated by Goh Hwe Yong “T o achieve peace and harmony, we need to purify the mind; to purify the mind, someone needs to take the lead,” said Master ChengYen. Poverty is common, and to help uplift the poor, certain conditions must come together. Most importantly, there must be the presence of Tzu Chi volunteers in these countries, only then can long-term care be within reach, and by spreading the wholesome teachings of the Dharma, the people will realize their boundless spiritual wealth and be willing to help others. For example, Brother Tino Chu in Zimbabwe, Brother Jorge Chang in Honduras, and Sister Denise Tsai in Mozambique, have shouldered Tzu Chi’s charitable missions in these countries, and have trained up many locals to be active Tzu Chi volunteers. In great empathy, the Master commented that in comparing to Tzu Chi’s aid criteria in Taiwan, almost every household in these countries qualifies for aid. Our overseas volunteers have very limited manpower and resources; hence, they could only help the poorest among them, who are in such dire conditions that a little aid in kind is great happiness to them. Recently, Brother Tino led his team of volunteers to repair a well in one of the villages; when clear water appeared from the well, the villagers were so happy that they laughed and cheered. Looking at the scene on Da Ai TV, it evoked a sense of empathy. “Our overseas volunteers work on the principle of ‘from the local, to the local’; and they don’t even ask for any help from the headquarters. They do their best in carrying out the Tzu Chi’s missions, and never forget to explain to the aid recipients that they do so under the guidance of their Master. Year in, year out, they spread the teaching of their Master, and do as their Master desire. The aid recipients are naturally thankful to Tzu Chi and wish Taiwan well, gathering merits for the people of Taiwan, so that Taiwan is peaceful.” “We’ve been giving without asking for anything in return, and we had kept a low profile about our work. But now, we should let it be known thatTzuChi is doingcharitablework in the spirit of Buddha’s teaching of great compassion for all sentient beings. Not only should we fill our hearts with loving-kindness and compassion, we must also have joy and equanimity. Such is the way Bodhisattvas care for all sentient beings. In addition to giving unconditionally, we must also be grateful for the opportunity to learn the Dharma, thereby dealing away with worldly worries and eradicating ignorance so we’re able to walk the Bodhisattva Path. Worries and ignorance stem from to want and to have. We constantly worry about losing what we have, and want more of what we already have. There’s no end to human wants. The fact is that however much we have as wealth, when we part from this world, we’ll be empty-handed, only our karma will follow us.” 2020 • 10 34