The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

01 TZU CHI 127 By Dharma Master Cheng Yen Translated by Goh Hwe Yong aster’s Teaching It is the pain of witnessing suffering from disasters, injuries and diseases that drives our medical team to go all out to alleviate suffering. Because they care deeply,Tzu Chi medical volunteers go to great lengths to help their patients. In the course of giving their best, their skills of medical care become yet more refined. It is such immense love that gives power, and the power of love is deeply impressive. I t has been 20 years since the opening of the Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital. On August 8, I had the pleasure of joining the 20th Anniversary celebration via live video streaming. The team of doctors and nurses in their white robes/uniforms looked just great; medical teams from respective specialties accompanied their former patients in giving their testimonies on stage. Many of the patients who kept their last hope by coming to the Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital finally had their lives renewed under the skilful and loving care of the medical doctors and nurses. The former patients had shared how they had endured the agony of facing life threatening illnesses, and the joy of recovery under the great care of our medical team, that enabled them to return to work or to continue caring for their families. I was happy to hear this. Feedbacks like these are mind comforting. Our medical caregivers have always painstakingly given their best care to their patients. Healing the sick can be testing, and our doctors must have become more refined in their capability as doctors. I am grateful that each and every one of our medical team stands together as a strong team in safeguarding lives, health and love; where there is a need for their service, none will hesitate to go forth. Among the eight fields of Buddhist cultivation, treating patients comes first as the field of merits. The Dalin Tzu Chi Hospital is indeed a huge cultivation field for great merits! There are countless humanity achievements for the Hospital over the 20 years. For this, there are countless things to be grateful for. Buddhist practitioner Mr. Chou and daughter-in-law donated a piece of land for the site of the Hospital. Not only that, during the construction stage of the Hospital, Mr. Chou and his wife were very kind in preparing herbal drinks for those doing work at the site daily. Ever since then till today, the couple has never stopped providing this special herbal tea for the Hospital. So many volunteers have selflessly contributed their time and energy to realize the four major missions of Tzu Chi. I owe you so much for that. I guess it will take me many life times to reciprocate what you all have done. After the Anniversary celebration, I had a video-conference with volunteers in Penang and Kedah in the afternoon. This year also marks the 20th Anniversary of Tzu Chi’s Mission of Medicine in Malaysia. The Tzu-Chi dialysis centres are not only well-equipped with hardware facilities, but the medical personnel have also been taking good care of the patients. Their Unforgettable Love from Tzu Chi Medical Team