The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

TZU CHI 127 13 because she has been sick for so long, and finally, when a doctor visited nothing could be done about her situation. Perhaps I shouldn’t have come at all.” After she left, Karmen could not stop thinking of ways to assist the mother. So, she sought the help of Denise. Together, they gathered some young volunteers and revisited the patient, bringing along a Jing- Si multipurpose foldable bed and multi-grain instant mixes. There was no discussion among the volunteers before the visit, but everyone seemed to know what to do. They placed the mother on the bed, gathered around to sing and massaged her, and prayed for her the Catholic way. Karmen said, “When we all prayed together in our Tzu Chi uniforms and vests, I felt a sense of religious harmony at that moment!” No matter where you are, you are never alone A young volunteer said in the native language of the elderly women, “People come into this world, and will eventually leave one day. But, when that happens, we can take nothing with us except the love in our hearts. With this love, no matter where you go, you’re never alone. We come to visit you today to let you know that we love you as much as your family. We thank you for the opportunity to come here and share the love. Remember, wherever you go, you have to remain calm because we love you.” Denise translated the words of the 20-year-old volunteer, who was kneeling before the elderly woman’s bed, for Karmen. The latter recounted, “I was very touched that he was able to speak so much of the Dharma. Then, we sang to the lady, she cried and sang a song to us as well. That day, I witnessed her beautiful smile.” In recollection of her first visit, Karmen felt discouraged and the desperation of the patient. But this visit helped her regained her confidence. “Fortunately, I came with Tzu Chi and wasn’t alone. Even though I don’t have any medicine, Tzu Chi brought the best treatment in the world, and that is, love.” The experience convinced Karmen that she made the right decision to practise medicine in Mozambique. “I want to do more than just heal a patient, that his body, mind and also family members are all taken care of. I feel only Tzu Chi is able to do this.” Just like what Master Cheng Yen has stated, we are not only curing the patients, but also healing their minds. Karmen found herself benefitting greatly from Tzu Chi as she found out that being a doctor is more than just prescribing medications to the patients. It is also about giving out blessings, which could be in the forms of holding the hand, gently patting on the shoulder, giving a hug, or even, singing a song with them. This is because love really is the best medicine in the world. Leaving good opportunities in the UK to pursue her dream Karmen, 32, is from Seremban, Malaysia. She is petite in physique, has a sweet smile, a cheerful personality and is a young, lovable female doctor. After graduating from university in 2012, she stayed in Inverness, in northern Scotland, and worked as a family doctor. Inverness is the second happiest city in the UK and acclaimed paradise. It is also home to the famous Loch Ness Monster. Karmen’s working environment was very comfortable, Transforming Africa With Love