The world of Tzu Chi October 2020 (Vol.127)

2020 • 10 10 eature 2019.03.28 Initiated first round of relief effort; distributed rice to 1,035 affected households in hard-hit Dombe and Dondo. 2019.04 Initiated second round of relief effort; held large-scale distributions in villages in Nhamatanda district; distributed food, water-purifying liquids, mosquito nets and daily necessities to 1,285 households. 2019.04.26 Distributed 16,764 sets of farming utensils and building materials to affected people in Tica Village, Nhamatanda district. 2019.05.10 Distributed stationery to 3,327 students, and rice, pinto beans and other supplies to 64 teachers of EPC Acordos de Lusaka and ESG de Lamego in Nhamatanda district. 2019.05.21-24 TIMA doctors from Taiwan, USA, Australia, Malaysia and South Africa provided 4,951 consultations/treatments over four sessions of free clinic held in Sofala Province and Maputo. 2019.05 18 volunteers from Maputo vowed to go and stay in disaster-hit areas in Sofala Province; some brought cooking utensils, and readied to teach sewing and farming skills to help the affected people to help themselves and others.