The world of Tzu Chi April 2020 (Vol.121)

57 TZU CHI 121 Ingredients: Sweet preserved mustard greens ................................................. 150 g Yams ........................... 500 g (sliced) Seasonings: Water ................................... 300 ml Light soy sauce .................... 2 tbsp Dark soy sauce ...................... 1 tbsp Mushroom powder ................. 1 tsp Rock sugar ............... in moderation (serves 6) Sweet Preserved Mustard Greens with Yam Preparation: 1. Soak the sweet preserved mustard greens in a salt water solution for approximately 30 minutes, then drain and cut into smaller segments. Set aside. 2. Fry the yam slices in hot oil until golden brown and set aside on a plate. 3. Fry the sweet preservedmustard greens in two tablespoons of oil over medium heat. 4. Add the seasonings and water. Continue frying over low heat for approximately 10 minutes. 5. Transfer the sweet preserved mustard greens onto a steamer basket or dish. Arrange the fried yam slices neatly upon the layer of mustard greens and drizzle with the remaining brine from the mustard greens. 6. Steam the platter over water for approximately 45 minutes. Once steamed, place a dish upside-down atop the platter and invert before lifting off the platter, allowing themustard greens and yam slices to settle onto the serving dish. ecipe Recipe by Phang Siew Khing Translated by Choo Suet Fun Photograph by Chan Yunn Horng