The world of Tzu Chi March 2020(Vol.120)

2020 • 03 06 eature T he emergence of the coronavirus disease or Covid-19 caught the world unawares when the first related cases were discovered in late 2019. The then-unidentified respiratory disease originating in Wuhan, China, has since evolved into a global epidemic that has become the focus of governments, public health institutions, media outlets and the general public worldwide. As the reach of the Covid-19 outbreak continues to expand across the globe, the internet and media platforms worldwide have been awash with heart- warming anecdotes of selfless individuals extending assistance to fellow human beings in difficult times, testimonies of kind deeds by the global community in offering consolation to those affected by the epidemic, as well as heart-breaking stories of families forced apart by the enforcement of quarantine measures in high-risk regions. When lives are at stake, our survival instinct is pitted against our capacity for compassion, inevitably leading us to question: how far are we willing to go to help fellow human beings in need? In Malaysia and other parts of the world, people are following updates on the development of the outbreak with bated breath; numbers of confirmed cases and deaths have only been rising. Anxious consumers have been clearing pharmacy shelves of face masks, alcohol-based hand sanitizing liquid and other disinfectant products – a worrying reflection of the widespread fear and tension manifesting from the current situation. In this feature, we present different perspectives on the Covid-19 epidemic, starting with first-hand accounts of life in the epicentre of the outbreak by volunteers based in Wuhan, shedding light on the resilience of local residents who stayed on to support each other and contribute to the community in their own ways. Closer to home, Malaysia-based volunteers have been devoting themselves to assisting with the government’s efforts to ensure the safe return of fellow Malaysians and their families stranded in Wuhan. Meanwhile, stay informed amidst the tumult with fundamental knowledge and practical advice on Covid-19, courtesy of virologist Assoc. Prof. Dr. Chee Hui Yee.