The world of Tzu Chi March 2020(Vol.120)

I n the early years of the Chinese Republic, there was a monk named Miao Lien who lived in the Tzuyun Temple on Changchounan Mountain, Fujian Province. At 80 years of age, he was still quite healthy. He often preached to the local people about compassion, the Buddhist law of cause and effect, and the prohibition against killing. And those, young and old, who heard the monk believed his teachings wholeheartedly. The temple held a three-day service on the first and the fifteenth of every lunar month, and this monk always gave the sermons. On these days, the temple was always full of people who came to listen to his sermons. Master Miao Lien hiked the mountain every morning, rain or shine. One day, he saw a six-foot snake. Its head and tail were bleeding and the snake was dying. The master compassionately decided to heal the snake. He brought over some herbs, ground them and spread them on the snake’s head and tail. He then went back to the temple. When he went back to see the snake the next day, it was gone. Half a month later, the monk was preaching when a snake suddenly crawled into the temple. Although the people were frightened, no one harmed it. The monk saw that it was the same snake he had saved before, so he said to the crowd, “There’s no need to fear, just let it come in.” The snake’s wounds were healed. It crawled to the monk, curled itself up and raised its head, looking at the master with gratitude. A Snake Saves Lives aster Cheng Yen Tells Stories * This article is extracted from the book “The Master Tells Stories”. All creatures have Buddha-nature and Great Love. The snake was a good example. I hope that everyone can love and care for all living things, not just human beings. We must respect even the tiniest creatures, such as ants. Compassionately caring for all life forms will bring good fortune. The snake seemed to understand the sermon. When it was over, it slithered out. After that, whenever there was a service in the temple, the snake would come to listen to the oldmonk preach. When the monk talked about the prohibition against killing, the snake seemed to understand. One year, an epidemic suddenly spread through the area. The symptoms were thirst and high fever. All medicines were useless and many people died. No one knew what to do. Master Miao Lien and his disciples visited many sick people, but they could not cure them either. Heartsick and frightened, the people could only watch others die. One day, the snake brought some herbs to the monk. It raised its head and looked at him, as if it wanted to say something. The monk examined the herbs and discovered that all of them were for reducing fever. He gave them to the sick, and when the sick boiled the herbs and drank the soup, they were cured. The monk then collected the same kinds of herbs and ground and dried them. The product became the famous Changchou “MonkMedicine”, which saved a great number of people. Master Miao Lien loved and cared for all living beings, not only human beings, but even insects, fish, birds and animals. Because he compassionately saved the snake and moved its heart, “Monk Medicine” was created and saved many lives. TZU CHI 120 55