The World Of Tzu Chi December 2019 (Vol.117)

2019 • 12 50 O ne time, Buddha was preaching in Mikita, and many local people accepted his teachings. Commoners, businesspersons, and people of high social status all came to listen to him. Even Queen Mallika and her servants came, and they became followers of Buddha. Queen Mallika abided by his teachings, and she even observed the fast after noon on the first and the fifteenth of every lunar month. There was a trader named Vari, who often went abroad to do business. One day, he had just set off to sea when suddenly the sea god appeared and blocked the ship’s path. “If you can answer my question, your ship can pass,” the god said to him. “Otherwise, you must return.” Vari said, “Just state your question.” The god scooped up water in his hands and asked, “Is there more water in the sea or in my hands?” “In my opinion,” Vari said, “There’s more water in your hands.” “There’s so much water in the sea,” the sea god observed. “Why did you say there’s more water in my hands?” “If the water in your hands is pure, clean springwater, it can save people,” Vari said wisely. “When people are thirsty, only the water in your hands can save them. Although there’s so much seawater, it can’t be used when people are thirsty or hungry. So, the water that can save life is the most useful, better than all that useless water.” The sea god was quite impressed, so he happily took out a bag made of precious materials and jewels. The bag was not only The Beautiful Queen Mallika Real beauty comes from our hearts, and simplicity and purity can best show our beauty. aster Cheng Yen Tells Stories beautiful, but it was also quite valuable. No other worldly treasures could compare with it. After the god gave it to Vari, he disappeared and the ship went on its way. Vari pondered the sea god’s gift. “How can I accept such a valuable item? What right do I have to own it?” So he decided to present the bag to King Prasenajit. When the king received it, he was also astonished at its beauty. Who could keep it for him? Of course it should be one of his wives, but he had so many wives. Which one should it be? So, the king told all his wives about the treasure, and he told them to dress themselves up, so that he could decide who the most beautiful woman was. Then the king would present the gift to her and ask her to take care of it. The king’s wives flew about the palace, putting on their most elegant dresses and makeup. When they all assembled before the king, he could not tell who the most beautiful one was, because no matter how he judged them, each one always had some shortcomings. Suddenly the king realized that someone was missing—Queen Mallika. He asked his guard, “How come Mallika isn’t here?” “Your Majesty, today’s the fifteenth,” the guard said. “It’s the day when she always fasts. She doesn’t wear any beautiful clothes when she is fasting, so she isn’t here.” The king was annoyed. “Her fasting is more important than my command? Tell her to come immediately.” When Mallika heard that the king wanted