The World Of Tzu Chi December 2019 (Vol.117)

01 TZU CHI 117 By Dharma Master Cheng Yen Translated by Max Siew aster’s Teaching Human beings tend to bring impurities wherever they go, leaving the world fraught with potential crises. To purify human minds, we must not only evoke kindness in everyone, but also turn the Dharma wheel to spread the teachings. When everyone gives rise to kindness, disasters will be mitigated. T zu Chi volunteers from various communities were returning to the Jing Si Abode for the root-searching-cum-spiritual training seminar organized for volunteers-in- training. Many of them went onto the platform and shared stories of their past. They testified that before joining Tzu Chi, they were inevitably lost, but found their direction in life after joining Tzu Chi and saw hope as they walked the Bodhisattva Path. Along the way, their worries and vexations lessened, and their lives were transformed, leading them to make the vow to walk the Bodhisattva Path and serve humanity. It is difficult for one to encounter the Dharma. One who is slacking, arrogant or lacks faith in the Dharma may have the chance to listen to the Dharma, but not practise it with deep faith and hence is deterred from entering the door of Buddhism. In the “Chapter on Skilful Means” in the Lotus Sutra , Venerable Sariputra represented the Sangha in pleading fervently with the Buddha to preach the Dharma. But there were 5,000 disciples who thought that they had already learnt the Dharma that the Buddha was going to preach. So with utmost reverence, they bowed to the Buddha and begged to be excused from attending the Dharma discourse. In “Chapter on the Parable of the Conjured City” in the same sutra, the Buddha narrated a parable: A group of monks were led by their spiritual guru in looking for some hidden treasure. The journey was tedious and fraught with obstacles. Many of the followers were exhausted, so the guru used his magical powers to conjure a city for them to take a rest in. The followers had a place for repose at last. But some thought that it would be better to return home because the journey was excruciating. The guru then tried to persuade his followers to continue their journey, saying that the city of treasure was just a short distance ahead. We, in Tzu Chi, can relate to the Buddha’s parable. I often say, create and pave the path. Since the early days of Tzu Chi more than half a century ago, we have been paving the path despite the many obstacles and hurdles. With more and more Tzu Cheng Faith Corps members and Tzu Chi Commissioners joining me in the efforts and inspiring more people to join the ranks of volunteerism, Tzu Chi has grown into an international humanitarian organization with volunteer presence in five continents, diligently carrying out its missions Purifying Minds to Bring Forth Kindness