The World Of Tzu Chi December 2019 (Vol.117)

A s the world becomes increasingly plagued by extreme climate conditions, living in denial is no longer an option. Research by various scientific bodies has proven that adopting plant-based diets reduces carbon emissions and overall environmental impact, while calls for lesser meat consumption are hard to ignore. The deteriorating state of the Earth has captured the attention of Master Cheng Yen, who commented during a volunteer assembly in December 2018, “The severity of current climate conditions is more than mere speculation; it is backed by scientific evidence and should be widely experienced by now. Yet, many are still unable to curb their desire for meat. The pleasure of consuming meat is only a fleeting sensation, but many are unwilling to give it up, hence continuously generating collective negative karma.” The Master is also aware of the ongoing depletion of natural and manmade resources for livestock farming and the pollution caused by farming activities, issuing alerts to be vigilant of our carbon footprint and work together to counter environmental decline before we suffer the inconceivable consequences of an Earth exploited beyond repair. “The significance of vegetarianism Working together to mitigate climate change Reflections by Master Cheng Yen extends beyond religious obligation. Indeed, we practise vegetarianism in accordance with a core tenet in Buddhist teachings, namely respect and compassion for all life forms, but I’m appealing to all to embrace a vegetarian diet out of concern for the dire state of the environment. Imagine the number of lives sacrificed to satisfy the desires of our global population of more than 7 billion!” cautioned the Master, who is a firm advocate of vegetarianism. “In addition to clearing forests to accommodate the cultivation of forage crops for raising livestock, commercial farming pollutes the land through the use of chemical substances and exhausts water resources, ultimately harming the environment and disrupting climate patterns. Adopting a vegetarian diet is one of the ways to conserve our environment. Lesser meat consumption equates to a decreased demand for meat, hence reducing environmental pollution along with negative karma from the loss of lives.” In a timewhen theworld is actively seeking sustainable solutions to reverse environmental degradation, the Master’s constant emphasis on the need to curb our desire for meat and embrace vegetarianism has become not only a matter of religious principle, but a universal wake-up call to save the environment. 2019 • 12 24 eature