The World Of Tzu Chi(Vol.115).

2019 • 10 48 harma A final transformation “W hen he expounded the Dharma for the last time, he transformed Subhadra.” The first time the Buddha expounded the Dharma in Deer Park, he transformed the five Bhiksus . Kaudinya is mentioned because he was the only one who could absorb and realize the Dharma at the first turning of the Dharma-wheel. After teaching the Dharma for 49 years, when the Buddha was about to enter Parinirvana , Subhadra awakened to the essence of the Dharma. Therefore, it is written in the sutra, “When he expounded the Dharma for the last time, he transformed Subhadra.” Subhadra was originally a non-Buddhist practitioner. He lived in Kusinagara, and he was already 120 years old. One hundred and twenty years is truly a very long time, and before this, he had wholeheartedly practised non-Buddhist teachings. If, throughout his lifespan, he had practised the Dharma of ultimate truth, he would long have been an awakened noble being. So why was he unable to awaken to the true principles through his practice of non-Buddhist teachings? This was because the teachings that he adhered to were not complete. Despite his longevity, he was still confused about life and death; he did not know where we come from or where we go after death, and he furthermore did not know which goal he should strive towards during his life. As a result, he felt very conflicted and distressed. Nonetheless, due to his karmic obstructions, his skepticism and arrogance made him unable to immediately accept the Buddhadharma. Although he knew early on that there was a great wise man in the world expounding the Buddhadharma, because of his arrogance, he was unable to give up his own faith and accept the Buddha’s teachings. As the saying goes, “Faith is the source of the Way, the mother of merits.” If we have faith, we will be able to persevere, and only with perseverance will we have the courage to get rid of our biased views and accept the reality of the present. Before the Buddha entered Parinirvana , he told Ananda, “Ananda, my four limbs have no more strength left and I cannot move. Please, quickly help me set up a nisidana 1 under the trees in the Sala grove.” Then, the Buddha rested there. CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION