The World Of Tzu Chi(Vol.112)

52 2019 • 07 Serene Reflection Between Master Cheng Yen and Ms Ching Yun Bezine on the Philosophy of Life December 25, 1993 Ms Yun: When sunlight shines on clouds, the clouds change, but the sunlight stays the same. Are human kindness and compassion like sunlight, which is not affected and not changed by its environment? Master Cheng Yen: Yes, indeed. One’s innate nature stays unchanged; it is called the Tathagata nature. This innate nature of ours is true and pure and will never change, no matter what. The layers of cloud are like the various defilements and afflictions in our world. However, even though there are such defilements and afflictions in life, our innate true nature always exists. If we can inspire this innate Great Love in people so it can shine like the sun; then we can accomplish great things with our innate ability. Thus, I always say that when it comes to love, there is Great Love and there is limited love. Limited love is more selfish, like sunlight that is blocked by layers of clouds. This light shines through depending on the arrangement of the clouds. Such light is limited and cannot evenly shine upon all beings. However, Great Love is without defilements. The clouds cannot cover it. Therefore, small, limited love has its function, however, it can cause competition for material gain among people. Only when we tap into our innate goodness and potential, can we realize untainted and bright Great Love. Ms Yun: People desire material things, affection, fame, fortune, etc. How can we eliminate these worldly desires? Master Cheng Yen: Though desire can be most troublesome, we cannot live without it. So, we need to distinguish the kinds of desire we have. When there is an intention, it means we hope to do something meaningful. But when this intention is a desire of a defiled heart, it will obstruct our innate goodness from shining through. If one can let go of his impure desire, then he can return to his pure nature. Question & Answer Ms ChingYun Bezine was commissioned by the Government Information Office to come toTaiwan to write a biography on Master Cheng Yen in English, titled “Master of Love and Mercy: Master Cheng Yen”. It was then translated into Chinese and was well-received upon publication.