The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.109)

Rushing to theAid of Cyclone Idai Victims A weather system that caused serious flooding in Malawi in early March 2019, developed into Cyclone Idai and made landfall near Beira in the central region of Mozambique on March 15. Besides Mozambique, the tropical cyclone also caused severe destructions to the neighbouring Malawi, Zimbabwe and Madagascar. The resulting traffic disruption in certain regions added to the challenge in relief operations. Tzu Chi volunteers inAfrica launched relief efforts since March 11. Volunteers from South Africa travelled 2,400 km to Malawi and distributed corn flour to the affected people besides helping to rebuild their homes. A tribal chief, who joined the volunteers in their relief work, thanked Tzu Chi for fostering the spirit of mutual help amongst the disaster victims. A disaster victim broke into a smile upon receiving corn flour from Tzu Chi. [Photograph courtesy of Tzu Chi South Africa]