The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

TZU CHI 108 53 time, keeping my heart warm. This opportunity of seeing a sick boy growing into a strong man, and with us continuing to safeguard his life in future, is indeed something worth cherishing and thanking for. In Taichung, not only I had met the patient from my time in Hualien, but I also met a familiar patient from Dalin, Chiayi. In the latter case, it was the patient’s beloved child who needed treatment. The little boy had a lump on his stomach. After assessment, it did not appear simple and thus a resection surgery was arranged. It was diagnosed as a malignant sarcoma in the post- operative examination. Fortunately, it was resected with a clear margin. Following up on him over the past six years, I watched him grow from a naïve primary school kid into a strong and healthy high school student. The joy I felt was just like watching my own children and grandchildren growing up. In 1988, I left Taipei for Tzu Chi to serve in Tzu Chi Hospital in Hualien, followed by Dalin and Taichung. The past 30 years have seen changes in my field of medical services and the patients’ physical appearances, but not my simple intention to safeguard patients and their faith towards Tzu Chi’s medical care. Patients could not literally see the skills of a doctor, but they could feel it. My 30 years in Tzu Chi’s Medical Mission have not only allowed me to play my professional role in ensuring the health of my patients, but also add human touch and warmth to medical services through genuine care. Looking back at my past journey, I recall not only my medical services in Taichung, Dalin and Hualien, but also the refugee children running barefoot on the desert of Jordan; the weight of the child who had just undergone cleft lip and palate surgery at our medical outreach in Indonesia; the scene of a lonely mother looking at the river with a child in her arms, not knowing where her future leads after the Pakistan earthquake; those helpless eyes waiting for hope on the sick beds after the Nepal earthquake, and many more. Destruction and sorrow aside, the resilience of Pakistan, the warmth of Mexico, the contentment of Nepal, and the simplicity of the Philippines, are deeply etched in my heart. I also witnessed the healing power of love – people standing on their feet again amidst devastation thanks to the bits and pieces of love and kindness from everyone. Joining the curing power of surgery and the healing power of love, medical care is no longer only about illnesses, but also the joy and bitterness in the world. Going beyond the 2-dimensional quadrant of diagnosis, treatment and prevention, it traverses through time and space and penetrates deeply into suffering. Through Tzu Chi, I realized the vastness of the medical field. Because of Tzu Chi, medical possibilities expand continuously. For this, I believe I am more fortunate than many people in the past three decades. Dr Chien Sou-Hsin • Superintendent of Taichung Tzu Chi Hospital • Host of “All about Health” TV programme