The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

49 TZU CHI 108 Mr Tong: I study, teach and write about history, so I am used to viewing the world from a historical perspective. I am 70 years old this year and have travelled the world over. The private hospitals I have seen are almost always founded by Christians. Aside from Europe, the hospitals in Africa, Americas, even the largest hospital in China – Beijing People’s Hospital – are all founded by Christians. The work of Western missionaries is to build the best hospitals in the most underdeveloped places. In a society where Buddhism is quite established, I had always wondered why there were no Buddhist hospitals. It was today that I saw the first well-equipped, modern Buddhist hospital, Tzu Chi Hospital. It is truly moving! With such a great beginning, as Buddhist practitioners, we all have an obligation to help. Master Cheng Yen: Being first was not my goal when I established Tzu Chi. I only ask that we never deviate in our endeavours. My motivation to build Tzu Chi Hospital was also inspired by the Christian spirit. When I was little, I heard that there was a Christian hospital in Changhua. Dr David Landsborough Sr and his wife were very loving people. In order to treat a child who was badly scalded, Mrs Landsborough donated her own skin so that Dr Landsborough could do the skin graft. This happened more than 30 years ago. It was incredible and touched me deeply. The spirit of sacrificing oneself to save others made a great impression on me. It really inspired me. I have always been grateful for the first Christian hospitals that were built all over Taiwan. The poor and the sick in Taiwan would have had nowhere to turn to if those hospitals had not been there. Eastern Taiwan was behind other areas in medical services, so I established Tzu Chi Hospital here. Christian hospitals were mostly founded with money brought in by missionaries from foreign countries. When we started building Tzu Chi Hospital, I was penniless, with neither money nor land. We raised funds for the hospital cent by cent from all over Taiwan. Therefore, our hospital was built with many people’s determination and efforts. Mr Tong: In my opinion, in order to build such a huge hospital, not only do you need the compassion of a Bodhisattva, but also the ability of Avalokitesvara (Guan Yin) Bodhisattva, who has a thousand hands and a thousand eyes. Being a nun over 50 years old, you were able to accomplish such a feat precisely because you possess the compassion of a Bodhisattva and the ability of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Master Cheng Yen: The ability of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was achieved by all the people coming together. Today’s Tzu Chi is the result of the ability of millions of people. I only have the aspiration; everyone else has the power. It is nothing but the combination of determination and strength. Mr Tong: True social service needs great saints and great sages to lead people in the effort to save all beings. I believe the Buddha’s compassion is one of the spiritual tools needed in the quest for world peace. * The article is extracted from the book “Friends from Afar: Conversations with Dharma Master Cheng Yen”.