The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

2019 • 03 44 harma Plant positive causes right away I f we place a seed in a bag, it will remain a seed.Without the right conditions, it cannot fulfil its potential. But if we plant the seed in soil in the spring, with a combination of earth, water and sunlight, the seed will grow into a seedling. With the right amount of water and fertilizer, the seedling will gradually grow into a tree. A lychee seed is very small, but it contains the “cause” of a large tree. If we sow the seed and nurture it properly, then when the time is right, sweet fruit will weigh down the boughs of the grown tree. Anyone who wants to make a fortune must first plant positive causes and cultivate blessings. When they have done so, wealth will naturally come their way. It is said in the Earth Treasury Sutra , “Give one and receive ten thousand in return.” As long as we can give, however humble the amount, we will receive an incredible amount in return. For instance, if we sincerely vow to help other people, we will receive inconceivable blessings. Every year, Tzu Chi uses the donations it receives to advance its Four Major Missions of Charity, Medicine, Education and Humanistic Culture. The funds come from the monthly donations made by many people. It is because of these donors that we are able to help people suffering from disaster, illness and poverty. Thus, everyone’s monthly donations help to provide aid and safety for tens of thousands of people. This is the meaning of the statement “Give one and receive ten thousand in return.”When we give of our worldly wealth to help people, we are repaid with a spiritual wealth of merits and blessings. To practise these kinds of good deeds requires wisdom. Some people might say, “Why should I give my money to others instead of saving it for myself?” Such is the logic of ordinary people, and it is similar to placing a seed in a bag instead of sowing it, the seed will miss the opportunity for growth and will not do what it was meant to do. We have to plant the seed and nurture it right away, so that the seed can fulfil its potential. When we give to others, we receive much greater merits than if we leave our wealth to our children to create merits on our behalf. Money management as taught by the Buddha The Buddha taught us tomanage our money by dividing it into four equal portions. Bymaking good use of our worldly wealth, we can also accumulate the spiritual wealth of merits and blessings. One quarter of our fortune should be used to repay our parents for nurturing us. Filial piety is the foremost of all good deeds and it is the first principle we learn from the Buddha. We give a fourth of our fortune to our parents for them to live comfortably as they grow old and to have the means to do what they want. Whether they want to make charitable donations or pray to the Buddha THE THIRD PRINCIPLE Give rise to Bodhicitta Believe in the karmic law of cause and effect Read and recite the Great Vehicle Sutra Diligently progress on the Bodhisattva Path