The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

TZU CHI 108 35 A team of Tzu Chi volunteers gathered in Myanmar for a 10-day relief distribution mission. On the first day of the mission, volunteers from Myanmar, Malaysia and Taiwan were divided into groups to distribute aid in the form of rice seeds to nearly 3,500 families across six locations in Myanmar. Tzu Chi volunteers have previously set foot in Myanmar in November 2018 to distribute beans to be planted by the beneficiaries. This time around, as the volunteers walked along a road in Nyaung Ni East in the town of Thongwa, they were delighted to see local farmers toiling away, harvesting ripe mung beans yielded from the seeds distributed in the prior mission. Village Chief U Dan Tun came forward to assist in the relief distribution efforts, and expressed his gratitude to Tzu Chi for extending aid to the farmers whose livelihoods were affected by the flood last year. He did not expect Tzu Chi to return for distribution of rice seeds when it was harvest season for the previous crop of mung beans. This would help ensure that the local farmers are able to rely on a continuous supply of crops for sustenance. The relief distribution ceremony commenced with the volunteers leading all present in a prayer. Master Cheng Yen’s Myanmar 2019.02.16 Another Round of Crop Seed Distribution lobal News Reported by Tzu Chi Documenting Team Translated by Lim Wen Xin Photographs provided by Tzu Chi Taiwan Headquarters teachings resonated with U Dan Tun, prompting him to introduce the villagers to the Master’s profound philosophy by encouraging them to contribute to the cause of the rice bank.Assistant Supervisor of the Agriculture Department, Lae Lae Win, brought along her own rice bank, which contained not only rice, but also some Burmese kyat notes. She said, “Committing to a kind deed a day is a Buddhist tradition. Hence, I start my mornings by pledging to devote myself to charity with a pure heart.” After the morning distribution session, the volunteers prepared bread and beverages for the local farmers, besides providing them with a rice bank each. Later in the afternoon, a group of volunteers was on standby to attend to local farmers who had yet to collect their notification slips, while other volunteers proceeded to visit the villagers’ homes. Editor’s note: Approximately 4,300 tonnes of rice seeds were distributed to 47,716 farmers across more than 500 villages in the provinces of Yangon, Bago, Kayin and Mon in the 10-day relief distribution mission, enabling the cultivation of 80,000 hectares of farmland.