The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

TZU CHI 108 33 During the Chinese New Year season, the Tzu Chi Kindergartens in Penang organized various festive activities. Students from Tzu Chi Nibong Tebal Kindergarten visited the nearby recycling centre to bring festive joy as a token of appreciation to the recycling volunteers. The students sang and danced to festive tunes with the accompaniment of drums and cymbals. The volunteers were overjoyed when presented with fruits, homemade glutinous rice cakes and warm hugs by the kids. Meanwhile, students from Tzu Chi Butterworth Kindergarten delivered festive blessings to Malay households in the neighbourhood in the form of homemade cookies and greeting cards. The students even dedicated festive songs to the families they visited to spread the festive spirit and foster closer inter-racial ties. Kindergarteners Spread Love during Festive Season Penang 2019.02.13 – 02.14 Reported by Kwong Yi Chien Photograph by Ching Chu Boon A group of 20 individuals, comprising representatives from the Qatar Foundation and the Malaysian Government, visited the KL Tzu-Chi Free Clinic to learn about the medical services and welfare aid provided to refugees, besides exploring opportunities for collaboration. Dr Susheela Balasundram, Associate Public Health Officer at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), briefed the delegates from Qatar Foundation on how Tzu Chi draws on the collective strength of its volunteers to provide refugees with sustainable medical assistance. Volunteers were also on hand to explain the role of the Cash-based Intervention (CBI) programme in assisting refugees to live independently. It is hoped that all parties concerned will strive to join forces in safeguarding the refugees’ wellbeing and welfare. Supporting Refugees through Medical Aid KL & Selangor 2019.02.12 Reported by Lim Chin Lan Photograph by Lim Yen Kuan Local News