The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

TZU CHI 108 29 Note 1: The “5Rs” refer to five methods of waste management – refuse, reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle. Note 2: “1, 3, 5: Simple Steps to Love the Earth” refers to three sustainable, environmentally-friendly practices, that is, save water by limiting tap water flow to the diameter of 1 chopstick; the 3 benefits of a vegetarian diet (minimizes harm to the environment, improves health, and contributes to the principle of respect for life); prepare 5 indispensable reusable items (reusable bag, handkerchief, water container, food container, and chopsticks). Besides that, Wahab also uses 5-kg oil barrels to cultivate butterfly pea flowers. Instead of the conventional wooden racks, he uses recycled steel wire to support the plants’ growth. After school, Chon Moi picks the flowers while waiting for the students to be fetched home by their parents. She then dries the flowers and shares them with the teachers and parents. Chon Moi was able to uncover Wahab’s talents, which he had directed towards a good cause. Together, they cultivated a green sanctuary in the school compound, adding value and colour to the otherwise dull school environment. Recycling to reduce costs Chon Moi learnt from the example of other schools and established a student welfare fund with the income gained from the school’s recycling efforts. The main purpose of the fund is to purchase medical supplies for the school, but Chon Moi hopes that she could one day utilize the fund to provide financial aid to students from disadvantaged families, turning waste into a heart of gold. In the face of insufficient funding, the school managed to defy the odds by generating creative solutions to problems by way of recycling, as attested to in 2016 when the school ran out of funds to purchase new desks. Chon Moi was hard-pressed for a solution, but then she noticed many old desks from the 1960s stashed away behind the classroom block. She asked the school janitors to repair the desks and wrap the surface of the desks with plastic sheets, giving these half- a-century-old desks a fresh makeover. Environmental education in schools goes a long way, for educating a child serves to educate a family by extension. Chon Moi’s individual efforts eventually gained momentum and grew to earn the support of the students, school staff and their families. This ripple effect keeps ChonMoi and her team motivated to continue spreading awareness on environmental conservation, and become the model school in environmental protection. School gardener, Wahab was pleased with the harvested cassavas. The Making of an Environmentally-Friendly School