The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

2019 • 03 16 eature progress, Sok Chu took it a step further and hinted to him that young volunteers were needed at the Sri Melati Recycling Centre. King Guan took the hint and started helping out there during his free time. King Guan discovered that recycling is a meaningful endeavour, as besides prolonging the utility lifespan of recyclables, proceeds from the sales of recyclable items could be channelled towards helping underprivileged families. Therefore, come rain or shine, he would stop by the recycling centre or recycling point on his own initiative. Despite having committed to the recycling cause for many years, King Guan found himself unable to progress beyond his current phase as a volunteer-in-training. Yean Nee sympathized with his concern that he would be incapable of shouldering the greater responsibilities that come with becoming a Tzu Cheng Faith Corps member. She conveyed Sok Chu’s heartfelt wish that her children’s families would commit to Tzu Chi; and through her son, who pointed out to King Guan that “To fulfil Grandma’s wish is an act of filial piety.” Reflecting on the past five years spent as a volunteer-in-training, King Guan felt that he had learnt a lot by taking on various roles in the community, not to mention, receiving parenting advice derived from the philosophy behind the Jing Si Aphorisms . In 2016, King Guan was nominated by fellow volunteer Ang Cheng Peng for the role of an image editor in the documenting team of the Tzu Chi Teenagers’ Group (Tzu Shao) Camp held that year. He rose to the occasion and fulfilled his role under the guidance of senior volunteers, and was moved by the moments of warmth, gratitude and joy depicted in the photos captured by the volunteer photographers. “Everyone has a place in Tzu Chi, regardless of one’s skills or expertise. Getting involved in Tzu Chi enables us to develop, grow and realize our purpose in life. Therefore, I should cast aside my worries and strive to fulfil my mother’s wish.” King Guan did not hesitate to add that his mother and wife had never neglected the family despite their active involvement in Tzu Chi over the years. He is glad that his family members are immersed in theTzuChi way of life thatmaintains harmonious relationships among the family. King Guan was certified as a Tzu Cheng Faith Corps member in 2017, alongside his sister, Quee Goon, and brother-in-law, Teik Lee. He was grateful for hismother’s persistent encouragement and support for him to leave his comfort zone and expand his horizons. After being certified as a Tzu Cheng Faith Corps member, King Guan discovered that committing to Tzu Chi entails more than performing charitable deeds; correcting one’s habitual tendencies and working towards becoming a better person are equally important. He now understood why his mother and wife derive fulfilment from occupying themselves with Tzu Chi’s endeavours. Sok Chu andYean Nee are both delighted to have finally formed a Tzu Chi family. King Guan and Yean Nee reached a mutual understanding that whenever any one of them has a Tzu Chi commitment scheduled, the other would have to stay home to tend to the children. Yean Nee is contented with this win-win outcome. The family’s lives are deeply intertwined with Tzu Chi. As Yean Nee noted, their Tzu Chi connection, led by Sok Chu, is a family heirloom to be passed down from generation to generation.