The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

2019 • 03 14 eature a bridge to connect those in earnest to Tzu Chi, but I realized that to accomplish Tzu Chi’s wide- ranging missions requires the commitment of many. Therefore, I took it upon myself to assume the roles as the leader of the PCBC facilitators and as the coordinator of community activities and several major events.” Yean Nee’s ever-growing load of responsibilities made her even busier, yet she never neglected Sok Chu’s advice that no matter how hectic life is, tending to the home and the children comes first, before making time to contribute to Tzu Chi. She admitted that in the days leading up to an upcoming event, pre-event planning and other miscellaneous tasks keep her fully occupied. She is fortunate to have Sok Chu’s support for her endeavours, while her children understand her packed schedule and are disciplined enough to be responsible for their own studies. King Guan, on the other hand, had a hard time accepting the fact that both his mother and wife are constantly occupied with Tzu Chi work. He did not voice out his displeasure, but he would tense up whenever he returned home to see his mother and wife absent – a sign Yean Nee took as his silent way of expressing dissatisfaction. YeanNee felt disheartened by King Guan’s apprehensive stance, but chose to respond with warm smiles and by speaking in a cordial tone whenever she recalled Sok Chu’s frequent reminders to heed the “Four-Magic Soup”, that is, practising contentment, gratitude, understanding and tolerance.At the same time, she would ensure that all household affairs were in order so that King Guan would not have to fret over them. Yean Nee and Sok Chu had long planned to invite King Guan to join Tzu Chi as a volunteer, only to be met with King Guan’s reluctance. He found it unnecessary to commit oneself too seriously to charity. He was baffled by his mother and wife’s enthusiasm towards Tzu Chi. King Guan’s reservations towards Yean Nee’s fervent participation in Tzu Chi stemmed not only from a lack of understanding, but also his concern for Yean Nee’s health. In fact, the latter has mild thalassemia and is prone to mouth ulcers and inflammation of the oral cavity, hence she has to refrain from over-exerting herself. King Guan hoped that his wife could rest more at home as he could not bear to see her falling ill. He also wanted his mother to live life at a more leisurely pace. Yet, King Guan failed to realize that Sok Chu had been mulling over how best to persuade him to join Tzu Chi. After Yean Nee was certified as a Tzu Chi Commissioner in 2014, the entire family would be acquainted with Tzu Chi, except King Guan. Hence, Sok Chu had hoped that King Guan would change his mind. Sng Sok Chu and Gan King Guan sorting recyclables at the Sri Melati Recycling Centre. [Photograph by Ang Cheng Peng]