The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

2019 • 03 12 eature A family heirloom through the generations The conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law remains a perennial dilemma in most families that potentially threatens to cause unrest among the family. Yet, as the daughter-in-law of the Gan family, LiewYean Nee is spared from this concern as she shares an unusually close bond with her mother-in-law. Translated by Ong Yoke Ching Photograph by Sam Pin Fook L iewYean Nee, Sng Sok Chu’s eldest daughter- in-law, firmly believes that meritorious karmic affinity led her to be part of a Buddhist family, namely the Gan clan. Although she and Gan King Guan studied at the same primary school, they were not acquainted then. The pair only came to know each other better in their high school days. When Yean Nee and King Guan started dating after completing their studies, Yean Nee frequently followed Sok Chu to the Buddhist temple to volunteer. They shared such a close bond that fellow volunteers mistook them for a mother- daughter pair, before realizing their blunder when Yean Nee, along with King Guan, distributed wedding invitations to them. Having been brought up in a loving family, Yean Nee has a sunny disposition. Her father often taught her and her siblings to love one another and stay united. Hence, she is very close to her siblings. After marrying into the Gan family, Yean Nee