The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.108)

TZU CHI 108 11 * The “Four-Magic Soup” – the “ingredients” of which are contentment, gratitude, understanding and tolerance – is a formulation often applied by the Tzu Chi community when dealing with interpersonal relations. contemplating upon Jing Si Aphorisms . He and Quee Goon also abide by the “Four-Magic Soup”* in resolving their conflicts. Teik Lee confessed that ever since he started committing to Tzu Chi, he has been on a continuous upward trajectory in learning and spiritual growth. For instance, his views on recycling have taken a positive turn upon learning that recycling is a process of transforming trash into “treasure”. He no longer saw recycling as merely an act of collecting trash. Instead, he became ever willing to go out of his way to retrieve recyclable litter, as he came to understand that protecting the Earth is everyone’s duty. Sok Chu was once worried if Teik Lee would be able to accept the Ten Precepts in order to undergo volunteer training. Adhering to all Ten Precepts was indeed a challenge for Teik Lee, as he was uncertain of fulfilling the eighth Precept – “Be filial and respectful to your parents.” Out of resentment towards his father, Teik Lee had avoided seeing his father for over ten years, much less acknowledge him. Hence, he found the eighth Precept an insurmountable obstacle. This continued until 2017, when Teik Lee travelled to Taiwan with Quee Goon and her brother Gan King Guan, to be certified as Tzu Chi commissioners. After returning from Taiwan, Teik Lee informed Quee Goon of his wish to meet his father. Upon reuniting with his father for the first time in more than a decade, Teik Lee was surprised to discover that he no longer resented his father. Rather, he was grateful to his father for having sent him to a Chinese vernacular primary school, enabling him to master three languages, which gave him a significant advantage in his business dealings. Teik Lee forgave his father, and even served him a drink as a token of filial piety. This shocked Quee Goon, who later sought an explanation from Teik Lee as to why he suddenly decided to meet his father. Teik Lee replied without hesitation, “Master Cheng Yen is capable of forgiving, embracing and trusting all of mankind. If I am unable to let go of my resentment, how would I qualify as Master’s disciple?” After reuniting with his father, Teik Lee took the initiative to contact and gather all his step-siblings together to rekindle long-lost familial relations. By choosing to let go and forgive, the pent-up resentment within Teik Lee gave way to serenity and contentment. Quee Goon is glad that she and her husband are nowpursuing the same path of spiritual cultivation. Besides fostering a harmonious and loving family, they strive to reach out to help others in need and commit meaningful deeds. Teik Lee is ever grateful to his mother- in-law, Sok Chu, for introducing him to Tzu Chi. Sok Chu, however, insisted that all she did was guide Teik Lee to Tzu Chi, while his progress depends entirely on his own effort. Nevertheless, Teik Lee remains thankful to Sok Chu for having shown him the path to happiness. A Fulfilling Life Starts with a Harmonious Home