The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 34 The presentation of cash aid for the 2019 new school year and Year-end Blessing Ceremony organized by Tzu Chi Keningau had given the opportunity to student beneficiaries and their families to receive blessings from Master Cheng Yen. Dressed in neat school uniforms, the 78 primary and secondary school students, together with 148 family members, attended the event conducted in the Malay language. Adimin bin Angga, whose child was a beneficiary of Tzu Chi’s study grant, was touched by the kind deeds of Tzu Chi and became a volunteer. He urged everyone present to become volunteers and do good deeds. Towards the end of the event, all attendees, in their own way, offered prayers and enjoyed a vegetarian meal thereafter. ocal News Cash Aid for New School Year Keningau 2018.12.30 Reported by Liong Foh Heng & Chong Wun Hong Photograph by Tony Lai In conjunction with the “111 Ethical Eating Day”, students of Tzu Chi day care centre not only encouraged vegetarianism among the people theymet, but also prepared vegetarian meals, pledge cards and posters to invite their parents to support the campaign. The 6-year-old students of Tzu Chi kindergarten on the other hand, prepared tiramisu for their parents and invited them to contribute to carbon reduction through vegetarianism. Parent Teoh Siew Li admitted that her whole family is non-vegetarian but as a show of support, they were willing to go vegetarian on January 11. The kids also went to the 4-year-old class and encouraged their juniors to go vegetarian. With a pure and innocent heart, the kids hope that everyone can become vegetarian and be healthy always. PromotingVegetarianism and Ethical Eating Penang 2019.01.11 Reported and photograph by Kwong Yi Chien