The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 30 had passed away, she still keeps a wheelchair ready in her car to help others. “I have benefitted from others, hence I hope to repay the kindness by helping others as well.” Norila and Roslina thought that they were likely the only people of a different race at the event, but the volunteers ensured that they were not left out; and they were surprised by the lively atmosphere of the event. Moved by the positive energy around her, Norila even expressed her wish to be a volunteer. Comforting the soul matters more than material relief During the “Giving Gratitude” segment, Norlizawati binti Selamat willingly went on stage to share her story. With her and her husband’s meagre income, Norlizawati struggles with the expenditure incurred in taking care of her parents-in-law, who suffered from stroke, even with the help of her mother, who is living with her, and the compassionate love of her sisters. To meet her needs, TzuChi provided her with a ripplemattress and contributes a monthly supply of adult diapers. She expressed her gratitude, “Thank you, Tzu Chi. I feel so fortunate to have Tzu Chi’s support and motivation regardless of race or religion. This is not easy. Although the aid provided is not likely to cost much, it matters a lot to me.” She asked Tzu Chi to stop providing aid after her father-in-law passed away, and single- handedly borne the care-giving costs involved in tending to her mother-in-law. Today, she brought all her family members to the event and took the opportunity to thank not only the volunteers, but also her mother and sisters. “I do not know how to repay my family’s kindness. I want to take this opportunity to say thank you and introduce them to the organization that has helped us.” Her mother was hesitant to come initially, but eventually felt that attending the event was worthwhile. Overcoming obstacles to fulfil vows Some attendees expressed their gratitude on-stage, some presented “Thank You” cards, while others translated gratefulness into action. Despite his limited mobility, YongAh Chee from the Machap Baru Old Folks’ Home attended the event in his wheelchair with a filled bamboo bank and an additional RM200 for donation. “I spend less and donate the rest, however little I have, to Tzu Chi.” It warms his heart that the volunteers clean his room, trim his nails and express concern for him every month. He also learnt about the volunteers’ disaster relief efforts from the news. He wished to repay the volunteers with gifts but was guided towards performing charitable deeds instead. Despite being a Christian, he believes that all religions pecial Feature Norlizawati (3rd from left, in green headscarf) attended the event with her whole family. She seized the opportunity to thank the volunteers and introduced Tzu Chi to her family. [Photograph by Teng Swee Ueng]