The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

TZU CHI 107 23 Amaravathy learnt from the games that dispelling bad habits is possible. She professed to like shopping, but when the marble landed in the “trap” labelled “spendthrift”, a volunteer explained to her that excessive spending is a vice as it results in waste. “Greed can be curbed. Plan your purchases wisely to avoid unnecessary spending.” Amaravathy agreed with the volunteer that it is more meaningful to save money for charitable purposes. She was inspired to spend less and save money to help those in need after observing the volunteers’ selfless giving during the screening of “Tzu Chi 2018 Year in Review”. It was a happy and meaningful day for Amaravathy because she enjoyed the games with her children and gained a spiritual treasure – a reminder to herself to curb greedy desires and transform them into the will to give. Ten-year-old Yap Jia Qi took advantage of the school holidays to travel from Ipoh to attend the Year-end Blessing Ceremony with her mother, grandmother and brother. After trying her hand at the “Discarding Habitual Tendencies” game, Jia Qi expressed her hope to discard her bad habit of gossiping. She said, “Whenever my classmates bully me, I talk bad about them. I will learn not to gossip about others and not be arrogant.” The pleasure from participating in games is temporary, but transforming the wisdom gained into action by changing for the better reaps a lifelong treasure that will benefit one greatly. This year’s Year-end Blessing Ceremony was a very special occasion, as all attendees were granted the opportunity to find treasures residing within their hearts and bring home an abundance of blessings. In one of the game segments, Yap Jia Qi (1st from left) learnt to swallow her pride and cooperate with her younger brother to transfer a ping-pong ball from one end to the other. [Photograph by Boon Wui Kong] Ushering in the New Year with Wisdom and Harmony