The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 16 eature Aishah , teacher, Harmony Refugee School Aishah, a teacher at Harmony Refugee School, Selayang, is a refugee from Myanmar herself. She learnt from her encounter with Tzu Chi to count her blessings. During the screening of “Tzu Chi 2018 Year in Review”, she wasmoved by the scenes depicting the selfless service of Tzu Chi volunteers, particularly in international disaster relief efforts. She said, “Tzu Chi has always strived to help those in need, regardless of colour or creed. I am deeply touched.” Aishah admires the uniform worn by the volunteers at the free clinic sessions she attended, and hopes that one day, she will be able to don the uniform and help the needy. Maira and Iqra , attendees Maira (right), a refugee who originates from Pakistan, has been living in Malaysia for two years. Her mother is a care recipient and is diagnosed with spondylosis. With assistance from Tzu Chi, she had received financial aid from UNHCR for medical treatment, and is now on the road to recovery. After watching the screening of “Tzu Chi 2018 Year in Review”, Maira was deeply moved byTzu Chi’s persistence in offering aid to the needy, regardless of race or religion. Maira’s younger sister, Iqra (left), was fascinated by the red envelope of blessing and wisdom, having received it for the first time. The sisters were positively enlightened after learning about the significance of the red envelope of blessing and wisdom.