The world of Tzu Chi (Vol.107)

2019 • 02 14 eature Attendees have their say Ms Anne Hung , Representative, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia MsAnneHung, thenewly-appointedTaipei Economic and Cultural Office in Malaysia Representative, set foot in KL Tzu-Chi Jing Si Hall for the first time on December 23, 2018, to attend the Year-end Blessing Ceremony. She expressed her delight in participating in Tzu Chi’s events and commended Tzu Chi’s contributions to society, especially its international disaster relief efforts. She said, “Tzu Chi is an embodiment of Taiwan’s soft cultural power. Love knows no boundaries; wherever disaster strikes, Tzu Chi people will be there to the rescue.” Ms Hung encouraged all present to join the ranks of volunteers, and even personally presented a donation as a token of recognition of Tzu Chi’s service to society. She said, “As reflected in the Master’s wise words on the unpredictability of life and living in the moment, everyone has spiritual needs to be fulfilled in this age of the industrial society. Hence, physical and mental well-being is attained by giving back to society. I would like to thank Tzu Chi for its contributions to Taiwan and the international community. I will take part in Tzu Chi’s events often.” Ng KahYen , attendee Ng Kah Yen (right) is a young mother who attended theYear-end Blessing Ceremony with her daughter for the first time. In June 2018, she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the 31st week of her pregnancy. She is grateful for the care and companionship offered by Tzu Chi volunteers during that distressing episode in her life. Now amember of theTzu Chi Cancer Support Group, she once aspired to serve as a volunteer, but doubted her own ability to fulfil the obligations that come with the role. Inspired by the video screenings and stories shared by the care recipients, she realized that she is capable of serving others after making due arrangements to her schedule. “Living with illness is a difficult journey. I will be undergoing treatment starting next month. I aspire to become a volunteer after I recover.” She hopes to performmore charitable deeds to repay society, as committing to a small act of charity a day culminates in an abundance of blessings over time.